Why a Union?
The Security Industry has remained much the same for the past decade, with Sub-Contracting, “Sole Trader” Sham Contracting and general wage theft getting worse year on year. While there are associations representing the companies, there has not been a dedicated body for Security Workers.
With our own Union, we can pool our resources into ensuring the issues plaguing the Security industry are addressed head on. Many hands make light work which is why Unions can do a relatively high amount of work for a relatively low cost for workers.
Why Now?
Current events surrounding Covid-19 and the use of Security have shown more than ever that the missing link that the industry needs, is a dedicated body looking after the workers in it. Simply put, it’s now or never for us to have our own dedicated Union.
Isn’t there already a Security Union?
Yes and No.
Because Security as an industry interacts with so many other industries, many have allowed Security Workers to join them. Hospital, Transport and Services Unions have all opened their membership to Security because of this. We believe the results of that speaks for itself.
Is VicSU a Union?
In every sense, a Union is a collection of workers.
The Victorian Security Union is the start of a new Union, we are defined under our rules as an Industrial Association and are Incorporated as one. With good growth and support through membership we can be defined as the industries representing Union for it’s workers.
Can VicSU Represent Security Workers Now?
As an Industrial Association we can represent anyone who nominates to be represented by us both collectively and individually, including at Fair Work.
Will there be Push Back?
Dodgy operators are the only one’s benefiting under the current industry climate. Cleaning the industry is going to take work, perseverance and hopefully a bit of co-operation but where there is resistance to that change, we are prepared to push through for our Members.
Good operators, clients and most importantly, the workers, are the one’s who will benefit by there being a strong, dedicated Security Union.
What happens with my Fees?
The Victorian Security Union is a non-profit organisation and, In line with our mission statement, absolutely ALL funds collected by members will go towards building the Union, representing and advocating on the behalf of it’s members.
Every year, as part of our Annual General Meeting, we submit our financial records to the members, so our members can see exactly what their fees are being used for.