Delays in processing licence renewals brought about by Covid are causing a number of Security Workers to query whether they are able to work once their licence expires and awaiting their new licence to be issued.
We have compiled the steps and responses received from LRD here.
My Licence is Expired, can I still work?
Provided you have submitted your renewal application IN FULL.
This means that every item of the renewal has been met with and submitted, including payment, prior to expiration.
What lets me do this?
Section 36 of the Private Security Act 2004 deals with licence renewals.
The three relevant subsections are as follows:
36 Application to renew a licence
(1) Before a private security licence expires, the holder of the licence may apply to the Chief Commissioner for the renewal of the licence.(2) An application under subsection (1) must—
(a) be in a form approved by the Chief Commissioner; and
(b) contain any prescribed particulars; and
(c) be accompanied by any prescribed documents or prescribed information.
(4) A private security licence, in respect of which an application is made under this section, is deemed to continue in force, after the expiry of the licence period, until the Chief Commissioner makes a decision in relation to the application.
What does this mean?
That as long as you have submitted your renewal, your old (current) licence is in effect until a decision is made by the Chief Commissioner through LRD.
Because of this, you should continue to carry your expired licence while working as it is still considered in effect.
What should I tell Police or my Employer?
If you are queried by the Police or your Employer upon providing your expired licence, inform them that you have submitted your licence renewal.
You may wish to provide evidence of this, such as your payment receipt.
How do I know if LRD have received my application?
In VicSU’s correspondence with LRD, we were informed that a person who’s application has been received prior to expiry will continue to appear in the LARS database with the expiration date. Licence holders who’s renewal is not received prior to the expiration date will not be visible on the LARS database.
VicSU members can contact us for queries and assistance with licence renewals.
More Licencing information can be found on the LRD Website or by contacting LRD directly.