Mandatory Vaccination Compliance
Authorised Workers are required to be vaccinated with at least one dose by 22 October or be able to reasonably present that they are booked for their first dose of Covid Vaccination between 15 October and 22 October.
The second dose deadline for authorized workers is November 26 2021.
Security Workers fall into several catchments under the Victorian Covid-19 State of Emergency Vaccination (Worker) directions.
Some examples of these are Airport Workers, Hospital Security and those engaged in the Vaccination or Quarantine systems.
Under current directions effective as of 14 October, a number of less clear worker classification catchments are also likely to include Security Workers and can be found on the DHHS Website by clicking here.
These include under Section 9 (but are not limited to):
Ancillary Workers for Public Events – (4)(a)(i)(B)
Ancillary, support and welfare worker means a person who works in connection with a public event where that event has received an exemption from the Chief Health Officer allowing it to proceed, including any workers and public broadcast personnel that support the safe running of the public event.
Emergency Service Worker – (10) (a) (ix)
For the purposes of these directions emergency service worker means a person who works in connection with emergency services including but not limited to essential infrastructure and essential services that are required to maintain or protect human health, safety and wellbeing (whether provided by a public or private undertaking), and including maintenance and repair of such infrastructure.
These two “Catch all” references are the most likely to collect security workers in the current directives.
After 22 October if a further State of Emergency is called, the current directives would likely mean that only workers who become vaccinated with a single dose before November 26 and are double dosed there after will be able to work without being restricted by the Stay at Home Orders.
VICSU will support any members who have difficulties with this process or if their employment is being threatened by their employer(s) during this period with regards to being unvaccinated.
– Victorian Security Union
Acting on information available as at 15 October 2021